Methods: ( 1) TCL was used to identify tuber fleeceflower root, Chinese angelica root, malaytea scurfpea fruit and barbary wolfberry fruit; 方法:(1)采用薄层色谱鉴别制何首乌、当归、补骨脂、枸杞子。
Tuber ( Potato) and root ( tapioca) starches have weak intermolecular bonding and swell greatly to give high-viscosity pastes. 块茎(土豆)和根(木薯淀粉)中获得的淀粉有弱的分子间键并溶胀成高粘度糊料。
Harvester, tuber or root crop 块茎或块根作物收获机
Based on relate literature about the study on anti-aging efficacy of tuber fleeceflower root in recent years, the article summarized the study progress of the anti-aging mechanism of tuber fleeceflower root from cleaning free radical, repairing injured gene, improving immunological function, etc. 文章参考了近年来何首乌抗衰老的有关文献,从清除自由基、修复损伤的基因、增强机体免疫功能、延缓细胞衰老等方面综述了在其抗衰老作用机制研究方面的进展。
In the lower part of stem tuber produced adventitious roots, each comprising epidermis, cortex and stele, which could form fibrous root system. 在块茎下端产生不定根,构成须根系,每条根均由表皮、皮层、中柱三部组成。
Effects of Exogenous Treatments on Lignin Biosynthesis in Wounded Tuber of Sweet Potato Results of exogenous experiments showed that SA inhibited LR formation and the intensity was corrected with concentrations, though SA also inhibited seminal root elongation as that of JA. 外源处理结果则表明虽然SA也和JA一样可以抑制种子根的伸长,但对侧根发生的影响却与JA不同,外源SA显著抑制水稻幼苗侧根的发生,且抑制程度随SA浓度的增大而增加。
It is shown that extract of Chinese medicine tuber fleeceflower root ( TFR) inhibited FAS activity by both strong reversible fast binding and irreversible slow binding inhibitions. 测定表明,中药何首乌提取物对FAS同时具有很强的快结合可逆抑制和慢结合不可逆抑制作用。
Effects of Virus-Eliminating and Plant Growth Regulators on the Endogenous Level of Hormone and Tuber Root Yield of Sweetpotato 脱毒和生长调节剂对甘薯内源激素含量及块根产量的影响
Mechanism of the protection of stilbene glycoside which is the effective component of tuber fleeceflower root on nerve cells 何首乌有效成分二苯乙烯甙对神经细胞保护作用的机制
The Stage of Sugarbeet growth is divided into stage of seedling growth, rossette formation, tuber growth and sucrose accumulation based on the characteristics of leaf and root growth as sucrose accumulation. 甜菜生育期根据叶、根生长及糖分积累特点划分为苗期、叶丛形成期、块根增长期及糖分积累期。
AIM: To investigate both the significance of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease ( AD) induced by beta-amyloid ( A β) and the effect of tuber fleeceflower root ( TFT) on the neurotoxicity of A β in rats brain. 目的:探讨凋亡机制在凝聚态淀粉样β蛋白(beta-awyloidprotein,Aβ)脑内致阿尔茨海默病(alzheimerdisease,AD)作用中的意义及何首乌(PMB)对Aβ脑内神经毒性的干预效果。
Canopy cover degrees had a positive linear correlation to RPR, tuber number, foliage and stem dry and fresh weight, and root dry and fresh weight, but had a little correlation to other characters. 冠层覆盖度与根系拉力、块茎数、茎叶鲜重、根鲜重呈直线正相关,与其他性状相关不密切。
Among the nine characters observed, the sequence of their role on tuber yield was as follows: tuber number> tuber size> root number> RPR> fresh root weight> fresh canopy weight> rate of marketable tuber> emergence days> CCD. 结果表明,9个相关性状对块茎产量影响的顺序为:块茎数>块茎大小>根数>根系拉力>根鲜重>冠层鲜重>商品薯率>出苗天数>冠层覆盖度。
Fluctuation intensity: the fluctuation intensity in tuber taro vegetables, lotus root and tomatoes are small while that is higher in leafy, melons and other Solanaceous fruits vegetables. 波动强度:薯芋类蔬菜、莲藕和番茄波动强度较小;叶菜类、瓜类、其它茄果类和葱蒜类蔬菜波动强度较大。